Being Brave won Best Short Film - Jury Award in the 11th Season of MP Film Award Joffre Faria Silva Director & Writer of the Film Being Brave agree to interview with us.

Joffre Faria Silva: Born in Brazil, Joffre currently resides in Toronto where he is a writer, filmmaker and properties manager in the film and television industry. He holds a BFA Film Studies from Concordia University in Montreal.
Joffre has written, directed, and produced films (short and feature-length) internationally in both Portuguese and English. His movies have been shown in over 100 film festivals around the world, garnering several awards.
His focus on heartfelt, grounded, and meaningful characters is derived from his life experience and thoughtful, genuine nature. As with all of Joffre’s works it is the people and their unique stories that fuel his inspiration for evocative filmmaking.

About The Film: Synopsis: Being Brave Film Synopsis:
Beckett, a precocious and resilient twelve-year-old, travels the bumpy road of a young boy living in complicated times. Beckett craves the love and acceptance of his divorced parents, but sees it jeopardized by the constant bullying he receives at school because of his father’s sexuality.
Incensed by the latest homophobic taunts by his mother’s new boyfriend’s son - Spencer - Beckett reacts, standing up for himself and unleashing a chain of events that in his eyes will resolve the situation he finds himself in and keep him safe.
Trailer of "Being Brave"

What was your drive behind making this film?
Joffre Faria Silva: My inspiration for “Being Brave” came from my own experience of being relentlessly bullied during my teen years. To this day I’m not sure how I was able to survive it, but I did, as many other resilient LGBTQ+ folks have done. As the saying goes “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” I had always wanted to talk about bullying, so that’s how it all started. I then realized I could pair together two subjects that are of importance to me, homophobia, and bullying. I then created the character of Beckett, the 12-year-old boy, who’s bullied at school because of his father’s sexuality. There are some auto-biographical moments, but that is not my story.

How do you feel when you are awarded with the MP FILM AWARD Award.
Joffre Faria Silva: Extremely thrilled and proud. Receiving an award is always gratifying and makes you want to continue doing the work.
Can you tell us about the greatest moment during shooting this film?
Joffre Faria Silva: There were many. I’d say that working with a professional cast was quite an incredible experience. They fully embraced the project and made my job much easier as they came prepared each day.

How rigorously did you stick to the script while shooting?
Where there any onset problems During the filming of the film & how did you deal with it?
Joffre Faria Silva: The main problem was lack of time. We had 5 days to shoot the film and could not afford to go any longer, or miss any shots because we couldn’t just go back to a location and do it again. But I’m used to it, this is the reality of indie, low-budget productions.

Do you have any advice for young filmmakers out there? Or like yourself?
Joffre Faria Silva: We’re living in the best times where one can make movies with the availability of technology. Our cellphones enable us to make movies anytime and anywhere, so there are no excuses. Go out there and make your movie, and don’t wait for the so-called perfect opportunity. Do not let perfect be the enemy of good enough.

Do you think it is essential to go to a film institute in order to become a successful filmmaker?
Joffre Faria Silva: Not really. I did and it was a fantastic experience, but I know people who didn’t and they’re making movies, great ones.

Which film has inspired you the most?
Joffre Faria Silva: I watched Truffaut’s “La Nuit Américaine” (Day for Night) when I was 12, in the middle of the night, trying not to be caught by my mom. I fell in love with cinema right there. From that point on, there have been many movies that have inspired me, I’m a total film buff.

Which particular filmmaker has influenced you the most?
Joffre Faria Silva: There are so many great artists that have inspired me. I’m a huge fan of Truffaut, Scorsese, Hitchcock, Almodovar, Fellini, Dennis Villeneuve, Jean-Marc Vallée, Valter Salles, Jane Campion, and many others.

Which book would you love to make a film out of one day?
Joffre Faria Silva: Honestly, I don’t have one in mind.
If you got the opportunity to go back in time & change something in any particular movie of yours, then which movie & what changes will you opt for?
Joffre Faria Silva: That’s a tough question. Any time I watch my movies I think about things that I could’ve done differently, and that’s in my opinion, is how I learn to be a better filmmaker. But it’s also important to move on and not be attached to what’s in the past, so in that regard, I would not changed anything, I’d just move on and do better in the next project.

If you were to shoot the film again, what would you do differently?
Joffre Faria Silva: I’d try to increase the budget so not to run into financial difficulties.
What is your greatest achievement to date?
Joffre Faria Silva: Reinventing myself. Leaving my home country of Brazil and moving to North America, learning a new language, going to one of the best universities in Canada (Concordia University) to study Cinema, and then producing films in Canada and Brazil.
How do you pick yourself up after a failed film?
Joffre Faria Silva: Focusing on a new project, learning from my mistakes, talking to more experienced people and believing that I will never make a perfect movie, that’s just the way it is.
Where our viewers can catch you (share your social media)?
Joffre Faria Silva: My website
Instagram @joffrefaria
Twitter @joffrefaria7
Linkedln Joffre Faria Silva
Vimeo Joffre Faria Silva