She is Mine won Best Short Film - More than $10,000 in the 9th Season of MP Film Award Sene Tunai Writer, Director and Producer of the Film She is Mine agree to interview with us.

SenaTunali is an award-winning film producer, director, and actress. Produced, directed, and also written the scripts of films named "She is Mine" and "Anna" in 2017. "She is Mine" production of SenaTunali won awards from international film festivals across the world. Also Produced "Who is Responsible" film about global warming and environmental problems in the year 2019. She played parts and lead roles in more than 40 short films. She also took acting classes from Hollywood professionals at New York Film Academy in 2015. She took Meisner acting technique training from Anthony Montes in Hollywood in 2016. She also played parts and lead roles in many theatrical works, including Romeo Juliet, Den of Thieves, and Proof. She was interviewed on Dante Night Show in 2017. She also graduated from Vienna Music Academy. Also graduated from Wheaton College MA with a Bachelors's degree in International Relations in 2012.
About The Film: Synopsis: She is Mine Film Synopsis
Jess goes to work on a set as a Production Assistant, and it is not only the craziest thing she has ever done with all of her clumsiness but also the best thing she has ever done. She meets the love of her life on that set.
Trailer of "She Is Mine"
What was your drive behind making this film?
SenaTunali: I started working in the industry as a set PA, and step by step, I moved forward and started making my films. "She is Mine" film based on a true story. And I was inspired by my experiences on film sets. Yes, I was very clumsy, and there was a very cute film producer that fell in love with me and helped me out against all the odds. He helped me learn a lot about filmmaking, set terms, set jokes, set equipment, etc. These fun and beautiful events inspired me to make “She is Mine” film.
How you feel when you are awarded with the MP FILM AWARD Award?
SenaTunali: I was incredibly honored and grateful. It was such an amazing feeling to be recognized and awarded from a prestigious festival like MP FILM AWARDS.
Can you tell us about the greatest moment during shooting this film?
SenaTunali: While we were shooting the film, there is a moment where the whole film crew felt a little bit nervous about being late and not be able to wrap on time. However, later on, the director and producer (me) of the project, with my script supervisor and the AD, decided to give the project a little 5-minute break. The three girls got together in the make-up room and said, no, we are not leaving this halfway. We will finish it right on time. We filled each other's minds with positive thoughts. After that five-minute energy-boosting break, we all got back into work fully concentrated. And we finished shooting all the scenes way too early than the actual shooting schedule. By the time we are ready to wrap, I was like, oh my Goodness!!! The positivity, the concentration, and the hard work really worked out so perfectly. We must have been working very harmoniously that helped us finish all the scheduled scenes earlier than the time we suppose to wrap.
How rigorously did you stick to the script while shooting?
SenaTunali: To be honest, I always listen to my actors. I want to see the real them on camera and prefer not to see an actor who struggles to stick with the lines from commas to punctuations. I prefer to give them the freedom they need in order to catch their real feelings on camera. However, there are some moments and scripts where you really need to stick with the lines to deliver the scene at its best. So, the best answer would be, it depends on the project and the screenplay.
Where there any onset problems During the filming of the film & how did you deal with it?
SenaTunali: We didn’t have a major problem on set while shooting “She is Mine” There were small problems that almost many of the film sets would experience: the actor forgot his shoes at home was one of the problems, but instead of waiting for him to pick it up, we just shot the scene without showing his feet :D :D :D
Do you have any advice for young filmmaker out there? Or like yourself?
SenaTunali: Shoot, write, act, and cut many films as you can. To understand behind the camera and in front of the camera, you can work on jobs that teach you the whole aspects of a film set. For instance, if you are a director, try booking an acting work and act on a project. It will help you understand your actors even more.
Do you think it is essential to go to a film institute in order to become a successful filmmaker?
SenaTunali: I can say both ways work to become a successful filmmaker. The most important thing is hands-on experience. One can learn an enormous amount of valuable stuff about filmmaking right on a film set. You can also educate yourself by reading books about filmmaking, but hands-on experience is always better. Plus, you can have loads offriends.
Which film has inspired you the most?
SenaTunali: There are so many lol J
Titanic, The Lord of the Rings (trilogy), Star Wars, The Notebook, The Pianist, E.T., 50 First Dates, Good Fellas, Casablanca, Troy, so many…
Which particular film maker has influenced you the most?
SenaTunali: James (Jim) Cameron
Which book would you love to make a film out of one day?
SenaTunali: It’s hard to pick one but I would say “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill.
If you got the opportunity to go back in time & change something in any particular movie of yours, then which movie & what changes will you opt for?
SenaTunali: I wouldn’t change anything.
If you were to shoot the film again, what would you do differently?
SenaTunali: For “She is Mine”, I wouldn’t change anything.
What is your greatest achievement till date?
SenaTunali: I have had so many since 2019. I am getting recognition for my film works from all the lovely film festivals around the world. And this is making me incredibly happy. I am very much grateful and honored.
How do you pick yourself up after a failed film?
SenaTunali: None of my films failed. Thank God J
Where our viewers can catch you (share your social media)?
SenaTunali: I can provide you with my Instagram account info: senatunali2711
You can check out my IMDB at
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