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Interview With Lisa Genovese the Director, Writer & Producer of the Film Bubble

Bubble won Best Editor Award in the 4th Season of MP Film Award Lisa Genovese Director, Writer & Producer of the Film Bubble agree to interview with us.

Lisa Genovese

Lisa Genovese was born in Libya from Italian parents. After moving to Italy in the 70s, I then moved to London in year 2000. I have worked in the Film Dubbing industry in Rome and I am now mainly a Voice Over artist. I have acted on numerous short films, and on stage. I have written a few plays and one woman play which I performed in London, called “The Godmother’s Legacy”. I have written and produced two short films “Bubble” and “Blue dress”. I also made a Covid short film “Awake”.

Poster Bubble

About the Film: Synopsis: Bubble Film Synopsis:

The misadventures of two women, Pink and Blue Bubble, who walk the streets of a gloomy London with their eyes glued to the miniature world of their mobile phone, only to miss what really matters.

What was your drive behind making this film?

Behind the Scene

Lisa Genovese: I have always been concerned by the amount of time we all spend watching the screen of our phones. I thought of linking this concept with something that happened to me in reality. I was once on the carriage of an over ground train, going to an event with some friends. We were all happy and excited and I called another friend who had not yet joined us. Whilst having the conversation with her, a stranger on the carriage caught my attentions and said, “She’s sitting there!” I looked back and the friend I was on the phone with, was sitting just a couple of meters away from me. Everyone in the carriage just laughed.

Bubble is somehow inspired by this event and my message is,“to lift our eyes from our mobile phones at least whilst we walk the streets!”

How you feel when you are awarded with the MP FILM AWARD Award?

Behind the Scene

Lisa Genovese: It was amazing to receive a recognition for my work. It was encouraging and empowering, so thank you very much! In fact just sending me this questionnaire is pushing me to make my third short!

Can you tell us about the greatest moment during shooting this film?

Lisa Genovese: I think it was to see how the camera person and the actors were kind of paying attention to what I was saying. I come from an acting background, so I found amazing that they trusted me.

How rigorously did you stick to the script while shooting?

Behind the Scene

Lisa Genovese: I was lucky to come up with something I hadn’t thought about during the writing. I had double booked two guys for the bicycle scene, so I had to use one of them to come up with another little anecdote, which turned out to be really good.

Where there any onset problems During the filming of the film & how did you deal with it?

Lisa Genovese: It rained and we didn’t have much time left for the final scene of the dog. I just had to do it. We had to correct it in post, as we didn’t have enough takes to play with in the edit. But it’s ok, it still worked.

Do you have any advice for young filmmaker out there? Or like yourself?

Lisa Genovese: To not expect rewards or approvals and just keep going.

Do you think it is essential to go to a film institute in order to become a successful filmmaker?

Lisa Genovese: I did not go to a film school as I come from an acting background. I would say that a film school might help to create contacts with like minded people.

Which film has inspired you the most?

Lisa Genovese: As a young girl I would watch hundreds of black and while films. However as Bubble is a comedy short, I would say “Some like it hot”. I absolutely love it!

Which particular film maker has influenced you the most?

Lisa Genovese: Again, the first films I watched in Italy as a young woman were black and white. I loved Antonioni and Visconti.

Which book would you love to make a film out of one day?

Lisa Genovese: “The Godmother’s Legacy”. It’s a one woman show I wrote about Italians in Libya just after the second world war. It is based on real events and is about the experience of a girl separated from her mother during her childhood.

If you got the opportunity to go back in time & change something in any particular movie of yours, then which movie & what changes will you opt for?

Lisa Genovese: I made a short during the first Covidlockdown, it was all done in a couple of hours whilst my children were looked after by my partner. Basically I would take more time to make it, instead of rushing for fear of not being able to finish it.

If you were to shoot the film again, what would you do differently?

Lisa Genovese: I would film longer takes. I would have liked my actress Nina to be filmed from a longer distance at times, to give me more material in the edit.

What is your greatest achievement till date?

Lisa Genovese: Bubble is probably the greatest achievement because I just wanted to make something happen and I did. Also because I never thought I would direct anything. I do not think of myself as a director, but I have written so many stories and I would like to see some of them on screen.

How do you pick yourself up after a failed film?

Lisa Genovese: This is a tricky question. I have not had enough experience to have a failed film, but I have enough acting experience to have failed auditions and cancelled jobs. You just have to accept the feeling and trust the fact that it will pass. I am still learning how to deal with this feeling. I think starting a new project always helps. Perhaps understand what went wrong previously. Focus on what one is trying to achieve.

Where our viewers can catch you (share your social media)?

Lisa Genovese: is where I sometimes post my thoughts and projects. @Lisa_Genovese is my Twitter account, though it is not very active as I try to avoid distractions. My website is mainly about my voice over work.




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