Something About Henry won Best Short Film - Less the $5000 category Award in the 9th Season of MP Film Award Beka Jean the Producer and Lead Actress of the film Something About Henry agree to interview with us.

About Beka Jean: Before putting down roots in Chi-town, BEKA hails from the cornfields of Iowa. The same passion and strength she puts forth in all character roles she’s had the pleasure of portraying in over 25 years of Stage & Indie Film -- she poured into the character Ladybird. For the brilliant screenplay written by Paul Barile and cleverly filmed by John Borowski she felt it was a story that needed to be produced and made into a short film because of the poignant story of human struggle. A soul’s fight with an inner demon that you’re pretty sure she never gets to crawl out from under. Beka’s most recent credits in the Indie world are a wisecracking diner lady in HYDE OUT currently in post. The mom Deb Pearson in the Musical Feature GOOD ENOUGH also currently in post and she just wrapped a fun cameo role in the Feature YOU’RE OUT! Currently still in production. About The Film:

SOMETHING ABOUT HENRY is about a tortured soul named Ladybird, who has a unique affliction and as her story unfolds and climaxes to the WHY of her condition…’s another social commentary of why one shouldn’t ever sit in judgment of what society refers to as the “less fortunate”. While there is some humor attached, its message is loud and clear!
What was your drive behind making this film?
Beka Jean: An excellent script to start and there were so many layers to LadyBird I just felt they needed to get out and be made public for all the souls in the world similar to her.
How you feel when you are awarded with the MP FILM AWARD Award.
Beka Jean: It will be an award I share with EVERYONE involved who saw the vision & we will know that Ladybird and people like her were SEEN! Truly seen! It will feel wonderful!
Can you tell us about the greatest moment during shooting this film?
Beka Jean: One of the moments was definitely that everyone showed up passionate about being part of it even though we did not raise our budget and everyone had to take a cut in pay… was very touching that art truly won out over money!
How rigorously did you stick to the script while shooting?
Beka Jean: Pretty much on point except for one skipped line which the screenwriter was ok with!
Where there any onset problems During the filming of the film & how did you deal with it?
Beka Jean:....Honestly no….the biggest thing the P.A. forgot part of breakfast and that was easily rectified! From start of load in that day to end of shoot….and I might add ON TIME….it was pretty darn smooth. I understand that is sometimes a rare thing!
Do you have any advice for young filmmaker out there? Or like yourself?
Beka Jean: I can speak for someone like myself if you have a vision and have aligned with a great cinematographer and have a great script…go with your gut, your passion and just see it through….the art is really the thing….so worth it!
Do you think it is essential to go to a film institute in order to become a successful filmmaker?
Beka Jean: No. And it depends what you define as success.
Which film has inspired you the most?
Beka Jean: Most all of the old Noir films and particularly any with Bette Davis!
Which particular film maker has influenced you the most?
Beka Jean: I’m not sure about influence but his impact visually was a masterpiece for me, Vincent Ward, the New Zealand filmmaker who did WHAT DREAMS MAY COME.
Which book would you love to make a film out of one day?
INDIAN KILLER by Sherman Alexie
If you got the opportunity to go back in time & change something in any particular movie of yours, then which movie & what changes will you opt for?
Beka Jean: Whether acting or producing…they are all the journey meant to happen so nothing really except having more funds readily available!
If you were to shoot the film again, what would you do differently?
Beka Jean: I’d probably have the cast which were kind of silent observers have more interaction with Ladybird.
What is your greatest achievement till date?
Beka Jean: Due to the complexities of playing Ladybird getting into such a headspace and making the weirdness and tortured soul a REALITY instead of mere character – I’d have to say playing her and making sure SOMETHING ABOUT HENRY saw the light of day!
How do you pick yourself up after a failed film?
Beka Jean: A slight rest and rejuvenation of spirit and right back into the cinematic ring!
Where our viewers can catch you (share your social media)?
Beka Jean: IG: Beka_I_Am, Twitter: ArtisteBeka and FB :beka.Iam as well as PhotosbyBeka (Pic-Chick Photography).